Episode 3
In the Name of Allah The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. All praises be to Allah, the God of theWorlds. All Prayers and Blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger Muhammad (SAWS). This is the third episode of our program “Parables of the Qur’an", and in today’s episode we will continue with the story of Mousa (AS).
Before we move on to this topic, I would like remind you of the two important values so we can uphold to them during Ramadan. Firstly, our neyyah (intentions); we must all strive to begin and finish Ramadan with the best of intentions. Sometimes, a single small good deed done with the best neyyah is hugely rewarded. So let us begin this Ramadan with neyyahs beyond merely fasting, praying, and reciting Qur’an; let ourneyyahs be repentance, good behavior and success. Secondly, our motto in Ramadan this year will be "to Live by the Qur'an." Let us imitate the way the Prophet’s (SAWS) companions dealt with the Qur’an; they were attached to it and they had lived their lives through its meanings.
This year, we will present the story of Musa (AS). This story was mentioned in 50 Surahs in the Noble Qur’an. In addition, every day we will discuss a different value, for the objective of our program is not only to tell the story but also to discover the important moral and value behind the story.
In the first episode, we discussed how the children of the Israelites were brutally slaughtered and thrown in River Nile. In the second episode, we demonstrated how during the age of Prophet Yusuf (AS) the Israelites arrived to Egypt where they were viciously tyrannized and maltreated. Today, we will finish with the introduction for the story of Musa (AS); we will talk about the circumstances of Egypt during his time and the main characters in Musa’s (AS) story. We will also discuss what the exact mission of Musa (AS) was.
Musa (AS) was a great leader and he is the hero of our story. He was very dear to Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) as well as a role model; whenever he was hurt he always mentioned Prophet Musa (AS) saying that although he had experienced much more abuses but yet he was very tolerant. Allah (SWT[6]) loved him and chose him to be his epithet; no other prophet had reached that same rank but Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Allah (SWT) has even praised him many times in the Noble Qur’an. For example, He says what can be translated as, “And I had you worked out for myself.” (TMQ[7], 20:41). He also says what can be translated as, “And as your Lord called out to Mûsa, (Moses)” (TMQ, 26:10).
Let me mention something important; the achievements of a great leader are always measured by the complicated circumstances and the difficulties he had witnessed in his life. Although Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) had faced great difficulties, he managed to deliver his message and to change the face of the world. Prophet Musa (AS) was assigned to endure the biggest human mission on earth; he had faced the most tyrannical Pharaoh on earth calling him to worship the only One Allah. His objective was also to liberate the Israelites from all aspects of oppression, leading them through the desert out of Egypt in order for them to establish a new nation.
Prophet Musa (AS( was a highly qualified leader who had many important qualities, most important of which was faithfulness. Allah (SWT) describes him when he says what can be translated as, “And mention in the Book Mûsa; (Moses) surely he was most faithful and he was a Messenger, a Prophet.” (TMQ, 19:51)
This is the important value that we will discuss in today’s episode: faithfulness. Prophet Musa (AS) had to face many difficulties and fears, including wars, death threats, and pursuits yet he insisted on adhering to one and only unchangeable firm stance, which was to fulfill his duty and deliver his message. “Faithfulness” is today’s key word. I wish to have a new generation of young and honest men and women whose only purpose is to work hard only for the sake of Allah.
Let us begin to describe the unsupportable situation of Egypt during the time of Musa (AS(. We will begin with the Pharaoh; this was not actually his name but it was a title given to the ruler of Egypt at that time. Every single harmful action, abuse, and assault committed by this vicious Pharaoh was accurately mentioned in the Noble Qur’an. Allah (SWT) had says what can be translated as, “Surely Firaawn had exalted himself in the land and made its population into sects, deeming a section of them weak, constantly slaying their sons and (sparing) alive their women. Surely he was one of the corruptors.” (TMQ, 28:4).
This is the kind of tyrant Prophet Musa (AS( had to deal with; a man who had placed himself as a god keeping all the powers and the authorities in his hands. He divided the community into troops and classified them in categories in order to rule and control them; therefore, he was deemed to be the first ruler to impose racial discrimination in his community.
Pharaoh had constantly insulted the Israelites, slaughtered their sons and spared their women alive; truly he was a corruptor. Nevertheless, there were two reasons for the Pharaoh’s hatred towards the Israelites: an omen and a vision. News had been transmitted that Prophet Yusuf (AS) had prophesied the arrival of a man from among the Israelites who will put an end to oppression and will bring justice. As for the vision, it had been said that the Pharaoh had once a dream in which he saw fire coming out from the houses of the Israelites burning his castles and soldiers. The Pharaoh was afraid of this vision; his priests had interpreted it saying that a man will come from among the Israelites to eliminate his kingdom.
Nevertheless, in my opinion, these two reasons were not the only ones for the Pharaoh to hate the Israelites. There was another reason which was Pharaoh’s fear of the great numbered Jews to become the allies of the Hyksos against him.
Another thing that I want to talk about is the identity of the Pharaoh. Ancient Egypt was ruled by thirty families beginning with the first family of Mina who united the two kingdoms of Egypt until the time of the Persian invasion and the arrival of Alexander the Great. The builders of the pyramids Khufu, Khafre, andMenkaure belonged to the forth family. The Hyksos came during the times of the 14th, 15th and the 16th family and this was also the time when Prophet Yusuf (AS) arrived in Egypt. There was a long period of 400 years between the times of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and Prophet Musa (AS(. Therefore, Prophet Musa (AS( existed during the time of the 19th family and consequently one of the rulers of this family was the Pharaoh.
The rulers of the 19th family were Ramses the first who ruled Egypt for only two years and City the first who ruled Egypt for ten years. The story of Prophet Musa (AS) lasted for 55 years; and the only Pharaoh who ruled Egypt for a long period of 67 years was Ramses the second. Also, he was the only Pharaoh to claim himself a god.
Although Ramses the second was a powerful leader, he began his reign with a victory in a battle called Kadesh. He had the entire country submitted to his command but he had soon changed into a tyrant ruler; he tortured and imprisoned the Israelites within the country as they were not allowed to leave Egypt.
Accordingly, we conclude that the identity of the Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt during the time of Prophet Musa (AS(, was Ramses the second.
Finally I want to tell you about the highly appreciated rank and position of Prophet Musa (AS) and how Allah (SWT) loved him and preferred him as he says what can be translated as, “And I cast on you belovedness from Me, and to be worked out under My Eye (i.e., to be chosen for my Revelation).” (TMQ, 20:39). He also says what can be translated as, “You are already granted (Literally: brought) your request, O Mûsa (Moses).” (TMQ, 20:36). This means that all his requests will be granted to him and all his prayers shall be answered.
Tomorrow we will talk about the mother of Prophet Musa (AS(how she had met the Pharaoh.
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